Over 3+ years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. UptellLogic is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



42/A Muqaddas Nagar, Bogda Pull, Bhopal, MP


1 825 25 SLIMS (75467)

what we offer

Your Partner for
Software Innovation

Uptelllogic is the partner of choice for enterprises, SMEs and technology challengers. We help businesses elevate their value through custom software development, product design, QA and consultancy services.

We can help to maintain and modernize your IT infrastructure and solve various infrastructure-specific issues a business may face.

Experience. Execution. Excellence.

What We Actually Do

Custom Application Development Services

Uptelllogic is a leading provider of comprehensive software development, maintenance, and support services. Our expertise spans across a wide range of industries, offering tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of each client. With a commitment to innovation and quality, we ensure that our clients receive top-notch services that drive their business success.

Our Mission
At UptellLogic, our mission is to empower businesses and individuals through innovative software solutions. We are dedicated to transforming ideas into reality, leveraging the latest technologies to create products that enhance productivity, drive growth, and improve lives. Our commitment to excellence, customer satisfaction, and sustainable practices underpins everything we do.
Our Philosophy
At UptellLogic, our philosophy is more than just a set of principles; it's a commitment to excellence, innovation, and positive impact. We are dedicated to using our skills and knowledge to create software that not only meets the needs of today but also paves the way for a brighter, more connected future.
Our Strategy
At UptellLogic, our strategy is designed to position us as a leading software development company by focusing on innovation, quality, customer satisfaction, and sustainable growth. Our approach is comprehensive, combining technical expertise, market insight, and a deep understanding of our customers' needs to drive success.
Our Vision
Our vision at UptellLogic is to lead with innovation, deliver with quality, and impact the world positively through our software solutions. We are dedicated to creating a future where technology and humanity thrive together.
Custom Software Development | DevOps Management | Data Engineering & Management
At UptellLogic, we provide comprehensive custom software development services, catering to diverse platforms and technologies. Our expertise spans web, Windows, and mobile development, with a strong focus on leveraging modern frameworks and tools such as Python, AngularJS, Node.js, data analytics and management, and DevOps practices including Docker, Jenkins, and GitHub.

Our comprehensive custom software development activities cover a wide range of platforms and technologies, ensuring that we can meet the unique needs of our clients. By leveraging the latest tools and best practices, we deliver high-quality, innovative solutions that drive business success and technological advancement.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of our activities in these areas:
Web Development
Front-End Development
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript: Creating responsive and user-friendly interfaces.
  • AngularJS: Building dynamic single-page applications (SPAs) with a focus on scalability and maintainability.
  • ReactJS/Vue.js: Developing interactive and high-performance web applications.
  • Back-End Development
  • Node.js: Implementing server-side logic, APIs, and real-time applications.
  • Python/Django/Flask: Developing robust, secure, and scalable back-end systems.
  • Database Management: Designing and managing databases using MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and other databases.
  • Full-Stack Development
  • Integrating front-end and back-end technologies to deliver complete web solutions.
  • Utilizing RESTful services and APIs for seamless data exchange between client and server.
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    Windows Development
    Desktop Application Development
  • C#/.NET: Developing powerful and feature-rich Windows applications.
  • WPF and WinForms: Creating intuitive and interactive user interfaces.
  • Windows Services: Implementing background services for automation and system-level tasks.
  • Integration and Deployment
  • Integrating Windows applications with other systems and services.
  • Utilizing ClickOnce and other deployment methods for easy installation and updates.
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    Mobile Development
    Native Mobile Development
  • iOS (Swift/Objective-C): Building high-performance applications for Apple devices.
  • Android (Kotlin/Java): Developing versatile applications for Android platforms.
  • Cross-Platform Development
  • React Native/Flutter: Creating applications that run seamlessly on both iOS and Android with a single codebase.
  • Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS)
  • Utilizing cloud-based back-end solutions like Firebase and AWS Amplify for real-time data, authentication, and storage.
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    Python Development
    Web Development
    • Django/Flask: Building scalable web applications and RESTful APIs.
    • FastAPI: Developing high-performance APIs with asynchronous capabilities.
    Data Science and Analytics
    • Pandas, NumPy: Performing data manipulation and analysis.
    • Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch: Implementing machine learning and AI solutions.
    Automation and Scripting
    • Scripts for process automation: Writing scripts to automate repetitive tasks.
    • Web Scraping: Extracting data from websites using BeautifulSoup, Scrapy, and Selenium.
    AngularJS Development
    Application Architecture
    • Designing the architecture for scalable single-page applications (SPAs).
    • Implementing MVC (Model-View-Controller) patterns for better code organization.
    Component Development
    • Creating reusable and modular components.
    • Implementing reactive forms and two-way data binding.
    Service Integration
    • Integrating RESTful APIs for data communication.
    • Implementing state management using NgRx.
    Node.js Development
    Server-Side Development
    • Building scalable and high-performance server-side applications.
    • Implementing real-time features using WebSockets and Socket.io.
    API Development
    • Creating RESTful and GraphQL APIs.
    • Implementing authentication and authorization mechanisms.
    • Designing and developing microservices architecture.
    • Implementing inter-service communication and orchestration.
    Data Analytics and Management
    Data Collection and Cleaning
    • Gathering data from various sources.
    • Cleaning and preprocessing data for analysis.
    Data Analysis
    • Performing exploratory data analysis (EDA) to uncover insights.
    • Utilizing statistical and machine learning techniques for predictive analytics.
    Data Visualization
    • Creating interactive dashboards and reports using tools like Tableau, Power BI, and D3.js.
    Big Data Technologies
    • Leveraging Hadoop, Spark, and Kafka for large-scale data processing and real-time analytics.
    DevOps Support and Management
    Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
    • Jenkins: Automating the build, test, and deployment pipelines.
    • GitHub Actions: Implementing CI/CD workflows directly within GitHub.
    Containerization and Orchestration
    • Docker: Creating, managing, and deploying containerized applications.
    • Kubernetes: Orchestrating containers for scalable and resilient deployments.
    Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
    • Using tools like Terraform and Ansible for provisioning and managing infrastructure.
    Monitoring and Logging
    • Implementing monitoring solutions with Prometheus, Grafana, and ELK Stack.
    • Setting up logging for system and application health monitoring.
    Security and Compliance
    • Ensuring application and infrastructure security through automated testing and compliance checks.